With cooking, there’s no crash, only stagnation. Everyone following that path of memorization crashes eventually, if they get far enough in math, and at that point, they have to significantly shift how they handle problems in order to proceed.
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Some students can go all the way through high school without actually understanding how to solve math problems. If you must buy a book to show off on your dining room bookshelf during dinner parties, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cookbook is the one that you want, but know that there will be no salvation in texts when it comes to New York-style pizza.Ī critical problem in teaching mathematics parallels the situation with cooking education: in mathematics, there’s a tendency for students to memorize problem solutions rather than internalize why a solution works and extrapolate to solve other problems. I’ve asked for people to prove me wrong on that claim for books, and the closest anyone has ever come to a reasonable suggestion was Peggy Paul Casella’s The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Cookbook. There is no generalist food publication, YouTube video, or book that will help you make New York-style pizza. If you believe the adage, “pizza is like sex: when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good,” you are part of the problem, and someone probably should have told you off before this moment.
In most of the rest of the United States, you’ll find those same shortcomings but on incidentally thick, overly cheesed, cloyingly sweet monstrosities.
There are more great pizzerias in New York than in any other metropolitan area, but even in New York, most of the pizza is poorly stretched or underfermented.